IHSS Provider Orientation & Enrollment System

REVA: Registration Enrollment Video Appointment

REVA is an online system for completing Independent Provider (IP) enrollment, orientation, and processing
for In-Home Supportive Services and IHSS Public Authorities.

Provider Orientation and enrollment can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. Your agency likely spends a lot of time processing new IPs, coordinating and scheduling providers to attend the Provider Orientation, and having them fill out all the paperwork, and you continually have to reserve a large conference room or have a dedicated area for the orientation. Then, providers don't show up or they don't pay attention,  REVA eliminates all of that!

Find out why over 40% of California counties use REVA.

It's Just 1-2-3-4!


Fill In the Provider Information

Using their home computer, smartphone, or tablet, the IP fills out the provider information required for the SOC 426, SOC 846, and the Live Scan form. 


Watch the Videos

The IP then watches the State-mandated videos in the available languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, or Armenian. You can also have your own presentations added to the provider orientation process for your county/agency.


E-Sign the SOCs

Electronically sign the SOC 426 and SOC 846. REVA's electronic signature process has been approved by CDSS.


Schedule an Appointment

The IP schedules an appointment with your county/agency to attend any additional orientation  and provide their Social Security card and Government ID card.

Benefits of Using REVA

We Take Care of Everything

All updates to the SOCs and the State orientation videos are taken care of for you. 

Happy IPs & Happy Staff

Your IPs will love you for letting them do the orientation online. Your staff will love you for giving them a great system.

Takes Less Than 10 Minutes

The appointment for the IP to scan their ID and SSN cards into REVA can be completed less than 10 minutes.

Save Time

No more having to schedule, organize, and coordinate the State-mandated videos and other presentations. Some agencies have all their presentations in REVA. This is a huge time-saver.

Save Space

No more filing of paper rows of filing cabinets. Everything goes right into REVA. No more need to have a large room for presentations. The IPs can watch everything in REVA.

Easy To Set Up

Setting up of offices and the schedule is easy and takes only a few minutes.

Meets CDSS Requirements

Meets CDSS requirements for provider orientation, IP processing, and e-signatures.

Cloud-Based & Fully Hosted

REVA is fully hosted in the cloud for you. No need to set up servers or expensive IT infrastructure.

First-Class Support

In addition to being experts on our systems, we are fully knowledgeable about the social service programs that we support.

System Features

Very Easy for IPs

The easy-to-use, web-based system allows Independent Providers to enter their personal information online, complete the SOC 426 enrollment form and the SOC 846 provider agreement form, electronically sign the SOCs, and schedule an office appointment. The IP can use REVA in all four threshold languages; English, Spanish, Armenian, or Chinese. Every page has a Help button just in case they need a little guidance. No need for the IPs to call you before getting started- they can start at their convenience. REVA is so simple and straightforward; IPs complete the entire process entirely on their own at a pace that works for them - with no need for technical support.

Custom Videos

Your presentations can be added as videos to the provider orientation process for your agency instead of having to do live presentations. This will give you major time savings and significantly reduce the amount of time spent.


You can have the IPs can electronically sign the SOC 426 & 846 during their online enrollment. The E-Signatures in REVA are very easy to do - for the IPs and for your county/agency.

Text Message Appointment Reminders

REVA can send text messages to the provider reminding them of their upcoming appointment. This will help reduce the number of no-shows or providers coming in on the wrong day or time. The provider can cancel their appointment simply by texting back. That way, staff aren't waiting for someone that isn't going to show up. If a provider cancels their appointment, their time slot becomes immediately available for someone else to use.

Scheduled Appointments

REVA will show you the appointments that are scheduled for each day, so you'll know who is coming in and when. You have full control of the appointment calendar so that you can block out specific days and times for staff meetings, vacations, agency closures, holidays, etc. REVA lets you have multiple offices, each with its own schedule. REVA can accommodate both one-on-one appointments and group appointments.


REVA is very flexible as to how you choose to do the processing of new IPs- whether you have the IPs electronically sign the SOCs during their online enrollment, with a signature pad during their in-office appointment, or with a wet signature on printed hard copies via mail.  We'll help you define a process that works best for you.

Very Easy for PA Staff

The REVA workflow to do the IP processing is very easy. The workflow pages are simple, and the workflow buttons are easy to follow. There's no need to take hundreds of phone calls from IPs every month to get them started. The IPs go directly to REVA and create their own account. 

Document Management

REVA has built-in document management with scanning and upload capabilities. Documents are available directly within each profile. Document history is permanently archived within the system.


You can add an unlimited number of notes with an unlimited amount of text to an IP's profile. Notes are permanently retained within the system.


If your agency issues badges to your providers, REVA can do that, too. You can take their picture and print out a badge on your badge printer. If you just want to take their picture so that you have it in the system, you can do that, too.

Comprehensive Reports

A comprehensive set of reports gives you the ability to see what's going on in your agency. You can open each report in summary format (PDF) for review by Management, or you can download the report data in Excel format for detailed review and analysis.

Fraud Investigations

With a single click, REVA will generate an extensive, pre-formatted PDF report that you can give to IHSS Fraud Investigators. The report contains everything in the IP's profile.

Many more features.

REVA is Used by These Fine Agencies

Amador County IHSS Public Authority *
Butte County IHSS Public Authority *
Calaveras County IHSS Public Authority
Fresno County IHSS Public Authority *
Glenn County IHSS Public Authority *
Imperial County In-Home Supportive Services *
Kern County IHSS Public Authority *
Lake County IHSS Public Authority *
Marin County IHSS Public Authority *
Mariposa County IHSS Public Authority
Mendocino County IHSS Public Authority *
Monterey County IHSS Public Authority
Modoc County IHSS Public Authority *
Napa County IHSS Public Authority *
Orange County IHSS Public Authority *
Placer County In-Home Supportive Services *
San Francisco In-Home Supportive Services
Santa Barbara County Not An Endorsement *
Santa Clara County IHSS Public Authority *
Santa Cruz County IHSS Public Authority *
Solano County IHSS Public Authority *
Sutter County IHSS Public Authority *
Tehama County IHSS Public Authority *
Yolo County IHSS Public Authority *
Yuba County IHSS Public Authority *

* Also uses our Nexus Registry IHSS Public Authority Registry System

Customer Quotes

"REVA has allowed us to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic without interruption in service to our providers. In fact, our provider enrollment process with the use of REVA is more efficient for both our providers and staff. We are able to drastically reduce the amount of time needed for in-person business. We are able to enroll providers in less time and in a way that is far more convenient for them. For our staff, we have saved hours of staff time by switching to REVA. We are also able to provide better customer support as all of our program staff can easily view REVA and inform providers exactly where they are in the enrollment process. It's already been a great support for our team and for our IHSS providers. As a manager, my favorite feature is the ability to see every step in the provider enrollment process. This is valuable information that I can use to understand how our processes are impacting providers and where we can make improvements. We are already users of Nexus, and so choosing REVA was made easy by the excellent support that we have experienced in the use of that platform. The Excellesoft staff are responsive, helpful, and, most importantly, have the program knowledge to understand how their services fit into the larger picture."

Aging & Disability Program Manager, Napa County 

"We are thrilled with REVA! Not only are we enrolling providers more quickly, we have eliminated the massive amounts of paperwork previously required! Jenny Lynn made our conversion incredibly easy!"

Executive Director T.E.A.C.H., Inc. (Modoc County IHSS Public Authority)

"Tehama County IHSS Public Authority had been considering using REVA or a similar system for some time. The COVID-19 Pandemic urged us to make a decision. We ultimately chose REVA due to its ease of use. Our county was already using NEXUS, another Excellesoft product, and we felt the overall look and use of REVA would be an easier transition for our staff than using a completely new system. Jenny Lynn Campbell and the team at Excellesoft have been amazing to work with. Their prompt responses and stellar customer service have made the entire process worth it." 

Community Services Supervisor, Tehama County Community Action Agency & Public Authority

"The Calaveras Public Authority chose Jenny Lynn and REVA based on accolades from Public Authority Executive Directors statewide. Their customized approach, on-spot action, experience, and stellar customer service sealed the deal. Jenny Lynn has been incredibly supportive and persistent in her efforts to transform the Calaveras Public Authority to a system that works in our 2020 environment."

Program Manager Calaveras County Public Authority 

"When we first began REVA I had thought that there would be too many barriers such as language, tech abilities, etc. but we have managed to overcome any barrier that arose and continue to use REVA with happy hearts! We are so happy that REVA continues to add more options and updates such as the latest for custom videos." "We may never have to do an in person NPO again! If the union provides us with a video of their portion and we add what we want to focus on at the time. Yeah!"

Public Authority Social Work Supervisor, Monterey County 

"It was amazing. It went smooth, no long lines (our biggest fear) and the show rate was 97%. Of the 130 people we got 91 packets turned in the same day. I can't ask for more than that. I appreciate all the help and suggestions you provided. It was a great Go Live!!"

Program Manager, Fresno County Department of Social Services

"Our first drive thru orientation that was scheduled yesterday was a total success. We are really enjoying REVA and how much easier it is making our lives."

Social Work Supervisor, Fresno County IHSS Public Authority

"With the uncertain times we found ourselves in over the past few weeks, it was clear to me that Amador County Public Authority needed to re-evaluate how we processed our enrollment for applicants wishing to become a provider for IHSS. Prior to the concerns of COVID-19, our orientation process was rather time-consuming and honestly exhausting for the provider specialist to manually process and track every aspect. Not to mention that any time we had an orientation, she was spending the better part of half her day on just that alone. I knew that other counties were utilizing REVA for streamlining their orientation process, but I truly had no idea the full extent of what this program had to offer or the benefits for my department as a whole. And if that wasn't enough, the "getting started" process was painless and efficient. This was due not only to the professionalism of Jenny Lynn through all correspondences, but her willingness to go above and beyond. I had a contract within 2 hours. Once signed, we were up and running within 24 hours. I was introduced to the CEO Mark, and together I felt like I could concentrate on the urgent issues at hand and let them take the wheel with getting Amador set up on REVA. I can't say enough about how positive my experience has been with the Excellesoft team."

Program Manager, Amador County IHSS Public Authority          

"We are really glad we finally have REVA. Jenny Lynn provided project management to help us get everything into place. She worked with us through our entire new workflow process and helped us launch our website too. It took a while to implement REVA because we needed Union buy in. We asked Jenny Lynn to do a demonstration for the Union which she happily did. Jenny Lynn did an outstanding job of explaining how REVA will benefit everyone; our agency, the Providers, and the Union. When the Union saw the convenience and time savings for the Provider, they were impressed and saw the benefit of using REVA as soon as possible"

Executive Director, Orange County IHSS Public Authority

"My staff love that everything is scanned, and/or stored, directly in REVA and that they don't have to re-scan the SOC 426 and 846. This is a huge timesaver for my staff. The self-service capability allows providers to complete a good portion of the enrollment process when it's convenient for them – 24x7."

Program Manager, Kern County Public Authority

Contact Us

Attention IHSS Providers. Do Not Contact Us.
Click here to contact your County Agency.

Contact your local County IHSS office or IHSS Public Authority Agency if you need help with your online enrollment. This will help ensure that you have all the information needed to follow their steps for enrollment. Click here to contact your County Agency.


  • 1-800-914-4113 Ext. 2


We'll even send you a couple of pens!

By the way, have you seen our Public Authority Registry system? It's called Nexus Registry.
Please visit the Nexus Registry info site.

IHSS Providers
Call Your County Agency

  • Amador County 209-223-6781
  • Butte County 530-552-6163
  • Calaveras County 209-754-6544
  • Fresno County 559-600-6666
  • Glenn County 530-330-5453 
  • Imperial County 760-337-3084
  • Kern County 661-868-0987
  • Lake County 707-995-4680
  • Marin County 415-499-1024
  • Mariposa County 833-423-0816
  • Mendocino County 877-327-1799
  • Modoc County 530-233-3111
  • Monterey County 831-755-4466
  • Napa County 707-253-4531
  • Orange County 714-825-3174
  • Placer County 530-889-7115
  • San Francisco County 415-557-6200
  • Santa Barbara County 866-313-1353
  • Santa Clara County 408-350-3252
  • Santa Cruz County 831-454-4036
  • Solano County 707-784-8753
  • Sutter County 530-822-7619
  • Tehama County 530-527-2466
  • Yolo County 530-661-2676
  • Yuba County 530-749-6471